I’ll be the first to admit it, we need your help!
Asking for help isn’t something that we take or do lightly. Our family has always helped others where we could while we continuously struggled alone. We rolled with the punches. When we got knocked down, we got back up, stronger every time. We survived, we made it, and we’ll continue to move forward in all that we do. Together.
But something this big…. Yeah, we could use a little help.
What we are putting together here isn’t just for our family, but for our community. We want to give back and help others grow as well. Starting up something this big isn’t easy or cheap, so every little bit helps. If you are interested in becoming an investor or sponsor, please reach out to us! Would you like to donate to our cause in the way of products? That would be great!
I’m going to be honest, we’re starting with barely anything, so obviously anything is going to help. Think small and large. We’re open to suggestions and recommendations.
Do you have a product you would like to donate in return for a review? Done!
Used equipment or other items that are no longer needed? Yes, please!
Cash donations for future rewards or just because you believe in what we are doing? Alright, alright!
Being serious now, we love our community and any support that is being shown our way is appreciated more than you will ever know.
You can use the contact form to reach us or email us at mapleandbirchfarms@gmail.com.
Details on tiers and rewards for our sponsors and those that are giving donations will be posted soon. I’m working on the nitty gritty details, so please, don’t be afraid to reach out.
Rita Morris
Co-Founder / Business Manager